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MAXQDA 2020 Software Problem

I m doing direct coding in MAXQDA 2020 software, I want to choose for example 3 words as a code, when i want to mark it in blue to give the code, instead of choosing only that three words, a big blue ...
user28312359's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I attract users to engage with non-political forum games and communities amidst the overwhelming focus on politics?

I feel like some users are so entrenched in political discussions that they overlook or dismiss non-political content. Is there a subset of users who intentionally downvote non-political posts as a ...
Aceykiss's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I monetize a Discord community server?

So 6 months ago I created a Discord community server for a speedrunning community for a game I moderate on While it hasn't been doing that well, I am trying to plan ahead and am trying ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
  • 143
2 votes
0 answers

Facebook fanpage : how to reach German and American targets

I'm the admin of a facebook fan page named "Eventi Culturali Napoli", I would like to see some visitors from abroad, especially Germany and the USA, what can I do for now without doing paid ...
Aiutopc's user avatar
  • 21
4 votes
3 answers

How do I monetize my community?

I started a smaller niche community a year ago and it has been growing ever since, the community is extremely positive and vibrant and I'm extremely happy with how far it has come. As the community ...
JamieFromNZ's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What to do when someone provides support money?

I run a nonprofit project and someone supports me with money. Beside thanking them, what else I can do? Should I publicly thank them, so that (1) they are proud, and (2) others will be motivated? If ...
Ooker's user avatar
  • 581
5 votes
4 answers

Rankings: How to deal with low number of reviews for user generated content website?

I have a community based website and I am receiving some complaints about the way I make the rankings of content. The focus of the platform is user-generated reviews. The problem is that I use an ...
anvd's user avatar
  • 415
9 votes
0 answers

Models of community growth

The academic literature often proposes simple models that help us think about the behavior of a system. For instance, the Bass Diffusion Model is a famous mathematical model that captures the dynamics ...
josliber's user avatar
  • 191
15 votes
1 answer

How do I gather the people to create a new Stack Exchange community?

Technically, to create a new Stack Exchange site, there is a procedure on Area51. This is covered by the question How do I create a new community on Stack Exchange?. However, since then there have ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 801
2 votes
1 answer

What are the best practice for starting community groups?

I am really keen to hear about research and authoritative material that this community know about starting and sustaining real-life, face-to-face, old school community groups? It would be nice to know ...
Poidah's user avatar
  • 181
10 votes
2 answers

How to reach tech talent interested in developing countries?

I work with a nonprofit called Alter Global that supports tech entrepreneurs across the developing world by connecting them to global talent, capital, and networks. We're rolling out a Tech Fellows ...
Elle Kang's user avatar
  • 101
6 votes
1 answer

Steal Hashtags in social networks as guerrilla strategy

I am thinking in this strategy more like a guerrilla way. I have articles about companies and I understand that is not very polite to steal their hashtags. However, it seems a good way to reach a new ...
anvd's user avatar
  • 415
10 votes
2 answers

Encouraging use of a new Facebook group

I recently created a Facebook group, linked to an extant page, hoping to make it easy for all community members to participate. I've gotten a decent number of people to join the new group, and am ...
Ari Davidow's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to encourage members to engage with the group?

My friends and I created a Facebook group for programmers and alike. Its aim is to have members asking questions and others answering them. As well as a source for programming related articles and ...
kapitanluffy's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to monetize my business community?

I have created an online business community which has approx. 20 000 monthly pageviews. The functionality is similar to cragislist or quikr, online classified ads. I am trying to figure out how I can ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
5 votes
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Encouraging people from Facebook buy/sell group to use free classified website

So I have 3 buy/sell groups in Facebook with 20,000+ , 28,000+ and 43,000+ users. I wanted to encourage them to use a classified website and tried a lot of things for this, but so far I only get an ...
Pablo's user avatar
  • 315
12 votes
0 answers

What forms of guerrilla marketing can be effective when building a community on the web?

I read a lot about small hacks that can help when gaining traction with very small budget. Some of the most commons strategies are: Profile signature in related forums. No cost, but some forums have ...
daniel__'s user avatar
  • 221
8 votes
1 answer

Can I use data from public Google Docs file to seed my new site?

I have a website that depends on reviews. In the initial stage I will have a classic chicken-egg problem. I need reviews to attract readers, and I need readers to attract writers. After some research ...
anvd's user avatar
  • 415
12 votes
2 answers

How to discourage a community from growing?

I have the opposite problem that many here probably have. I built a piece of software that was originally intended for myself and a handful of clients. I'm rather proud of it and it works very well ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 121
5 votes
1 answer

Build a "liking" feature that best fosters an active community

Facebook has "likes", Instagram has "hearts", Twitter has "favorites" & "re-tweets", Pintrest has "pins", reddit has "upvotes". Each of these methods of showing you enjoy something have different ...
Roger99's user avatar
  • 151
3 votes
1 answer

An indifferent server manager who is a close friend of the owner

I am an administrator on a small, new Minecraft server. Our administration team has a "Manager". However, it seems that he is unwilling to do any jobs. From plugin configuration or even simply ...
54D's user avatar
  • 499
10 votes
2 answers

Best practices to promote a private beta SE site

I'm one of the more avid users of the emerging Internet of Things Stack Exchange. With the holidays our private beta has gotten a bit long and we are struggling a bit to re-engage with the pre-holiday ...
Helmar's user avatar
  • 203
6 votes
1 answer

Determine where my traffic is coming from?

My community has grown in fits and starts over the years. There are long lulls of a stable user base, then we get an influx of users over the course of 3-5 days. Some of those users end up sticking ...
Mary McOwen's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Appropriate gamification badge rewards for young community?

I am in the final stages of preparing to launch a new community. One of the things I keep reading about is how "gamification" helps to improve engagement in a community. I'm going to start small on ...
Zoom's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
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How to crowdfund for Solar Nonprofit to garnish funds to initiate first project

I am the founder of a nonprofit organization trying to achieve our first project of installing photovoltaic solar panels in our city's largest public high school energy spender. Garnishing funds is ...
SolEarth's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How can I introduce topic based subforums to my site without splitting up the traffic too much?

It is a decision I am facing and that I struggle with: How can I split up the community into different subcommunities like reddit. Currently users post on the main site. Everyone was fine with that, ...
loiro's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to increase user engagement rate?

I have for the past month been working hard on a new project for myself about learning Korean. Writing the blog and sharing everything I do, is a real blast. However, as you might imagine, a response ...
Hanhan Jabji's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there any bad side effects of having a Dislike or Downvote button on a forum-based community? [duplicate]

We are still developing our forum community, and we're going to be having a "like button" where users can like a post or replies that they find interesting or like a post from a reputable or ...
Tunero_Uchiha's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How can a community raise funds to help offset costs, even if site is non commercial?

I run a very small community with a nascent population (online; not associated with a geographical area). Even though my intention is to not necessarily create a profitable business out of this ...
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How effective are popularity contests as a way to recruit and build community membership?

Imagine a community one of whose activities is running contests where the winner from a set of finalists is determined by popularity (i.e. most votes). A feature of these popularity contests would be ...
WBT's user avatar
  • 173
7 votes
1 answer

Do more users engage in a community with a more specific topic?

I have a knowledge website that lives from user generated content. It is still at the very beginning and not having much active users yet. The website is similar to Wikipedia: users can write about ...
Marvin's user avatar
  • 173
7 votes
1 answer

How can an online community measure its growth and development?

Is there a more effective way to measure how a community is growing and developing than just with simple metrics like: Total membership Number of new members per week or month Number and percentage ...
Greg Chase's user avatar
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8 votes
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What are best practices for creating engaging experience in a forum-based community?

So, I'm building a science and tech forum website and I need recommendations on how to make the experience for the members more engaging so that more of the membership will return, and become more ...
Tunero_Uchiha's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I measure growth trend of third party communities?

When one is the operator of a community platform, its possible to get a wealth of statistics to know how one's community is doing at any time and this trend over time. Examples are: Google Analytics ...
Greg Chase's user avatar
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How can I bring a community around a wiki of a fictional world?

The community I'd like to create is based around a fictional encyclopedia, simply a wiki, powered by Wikidot. It's pretty close to what the SCP Foundation guys do, in the content, but rather in the ...
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar
2 votes
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How to start a charity project making use of college students as cram school teachers for orphans in lower levels of education? [closed]

I want to start a charity project that makes use of the human capital we have here in Morocco. The targeted population of the project is orphans of the same city, and I'm having thoughts about making ...
Hamza's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What metrics are helpful to describe the health of a community?

So I am managing a lot of sub communities and it became very hard to keep track of every single one. Moderator features are still in development and it happened already that I didn't notice bad ...
loiro's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How should a tech company communicate on Twitter?

I'm working in a software company where we regularly do coding dojo (practices with peers) and tech monitoring to stay up-to-date (reading article, watching conferences, etc.). I'm a software ...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How can I get people to join a site and not simply glance and pass it by?

A Stack Exchange site I participate on has been getting many questions in the Hot Network questions list recently, which has resulted in many questions getting lots of views. However, there comes a ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
6 votes
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Placing a short announcement of our community in a professional journal

How do I best approach the editors of a professional journal about the topic of our site, if I would like to ask them if it is possible to place a short inviting announcement/comment about our ...
just_curious's user avatar
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How should a community transition from one platform to another?

I am building a community platform to help an offline community communicate better. They currently are filling the gap with a private Facebook group but lack some tools to do this well and also ...
benjaminjosephw's user avatar
7 votes
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Getting word out for community to grow

I've recently finished making a social network. It's a platform for creators to meet and collaborate on their big ideas. On a bunch of Q&A sites (some of the stack overflow sites included) I ...
Fraser Greenlee's user avatar
7 votes
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How can automation be used to grow and manage an online community?

I've heard a little about bots being used to moderate chatrooms and got thinking about how automated replies and smart bots could be used for other aspects of online community building beyond just in ...
benjaminjosephw's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I encourage the development of subcommunities?

My users have a range of topics they discuss. Obviously, not everyone is interested in everything. The platform has the ability set up different tags. These tags become subcommunities (on other sites ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 323
13 votes
3 answers

As a user, how can I stay on top of a fast-growing community?

I have a good "problem": a fairly new Stack Exchange site I participate on1 took off running. Our users are active, we get lots of engaging questions and answers, and our metrics are in good shape. ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes
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Facebook Giveaways

So I've recently started a new gaming blog. I have nearly 100 Facebook likes and I seem to be getting some traffic across my website. I recently ran a Facebook giveaway in which I asked users to ...
Malekai's user avatar
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9 votes
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Made changes based on feedback from users, later found that a larger silent majority didn't like these changes

In my last question, I got advice about how to keep up with my community. Since then, I've tried to stay engaged and brought on another community leader to help me. Growth continued. Over the month of ...
Frank's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I encourage people to use the (secondary) chat feature on my community's software?

I have a site that I moderate where the main part of the site is strictly professional. However, there is a separate chat feature that I think people most don't know about. Bonding with others in the ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
9 votes
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How do you choose the software that runs your community?

How does one determine the appropriate software to utilize for a new community? I'm starting a new community and know that I want a place to put blog entries and a place for users to chat about things....
Barry's user avatar
  • 93
31 votes
3 answers

Attracting experts to a young site with little expert content

I'm a member of a new online community that I'd like to see flourish. In order to grow and gain traction we need to increase our user base, in particular by attracting experts in our topic. What we'...
Monica Cellio's user avatar