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Questions tagged [reddit]

Reddit is a social content-aggregation website. Reddit is comprised of a loose network of "subreddits", which aggregates related content that is sorted by community voting.

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2 votes
1 answer

How do splinter groups get popular, when they deal with the same content as the parent group?

Is there a term for such splinter groups? Any tips on how to grow in subscribers and numbers?*(= I am referring to SubReddits like r/wallstreetbets2 that splintered off r/wallstreetbets, and r/...
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7 votes
2 answers

Are there reliable community benefits to "cake days"?

Your "cake day" is the anniversary of the day you joined a site. These are probably most well known from Reddit, but are also supported in some other internet softwares, or from mods. My experience, ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I persuade Redditors on a Subreddit to use Stack Exchange for the same subject?

Some SEs would gain more value from more experts, and subreddits usually have more users than a given SE. For example — How can you convince users at r/ask_lawyers, r/auslaw, r/canadalaw, r/law, r/...
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3 votes
1 answer

Republish the same content posted on subreddit

Some months ago I decided to write a huge and detailed post using a specific subreddit to a relevant niche of my market. The thread had something like 100 votes that is very good for the sub and ...
anvd's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Would reporting a violating comment beneficial if it has a rule reminder?

In the subreddit Change My View, a person give a response why my view wouldn't work. I give a response to them, and this is how it goes: - Yeah, this only supports everything I said before - can ...
Ooker's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Strategies for keeping multiple platforms in sync?

I have a small video web site (hosted with Wordpress), a subreddit, a YouTube channel and Twitter. Once in a while one of my videos gets some attention on reddit and I'm having trouble keeping my ...
Overwhelmed's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How can I get more people to join the Mindstorms subreddit?

I've been the mod for quite a while and I've been trying to pick up the traffic the subreddit gets but I have had little to no results. I tried challenge threads and no one bothers. I've done ...
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8 votes
1 answer

How can we encourage users to report misconduct correctly?

I've encountered a subset of users in my subreddit that are interested in helping us curate content by reporting submissions that don't belong, but instead of using the reporting feature, I've seen ...
Anthony Neace's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Do long-term "icebreaker" threads foster quality discussion?

I moderate a subreddit that primarily sees submissions in the form of news articles, with very little discussion in the comments except for very important news or events. I would like to automate ...
Anthony Neace's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Migrating to Reddit from forum

My time, as a community leader, is limited. I've found that spending time managing the infrastructure of my community has become to time consuming - updates to forum software, plugins, templates, spam ...
Halo Sam's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

How strict should we be with racist comments on a satire reddit?

I am a mod on a rather growing satire subreddit and I want to know how strict should we be with racist comments. What reasoning is there for acceptable levels of racism in satire?
Kabalan Zahouri's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How can I better curate against blogspam?

I am a moderator of a subreddit - a sub-section of Reddit where link and text posts with a specific focus are aggregated and shared. One of my primary responsibilities is to curate the "front page" of ...
Anthony Neace's user avatar