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How to deal with useless comments on popular posts?

For example, check out a recent question about Windows thinking a keyboard is a toaster. There are lots of mostly useless comments that have many upvotes because they are considered funny by the users, but they don't actually conform to the rules of commenting (be useful or add something to the post).

Although, technically speaking, they do add more hilarity to the post, but that's also funny talk.

Deleting such comments right away will probably not solve the problem immediately, as new users who haven't seen that post might still want to post their own funny comment, and the moderator will end up wiping the comments time and again, while the post is still popular.

Users could also be notified that it's perfectly fine to post these sorts of comments, to prevent it. But comments like that can be silently wiped to avoid notification, and possibly a repeated abuse.

But sometimes there isn't really any harm done, because all the problems have already been addressed and the solution is found in the main post (answer), and so the comments may be left as they are.

Are there any ways to deal with "funny comments" in a non-hostile manner, while not being a prude where they do no harm?