This question was brought up at the Community Leadership Summit in Portland.
How can one describe the "value" of a community? This might be for purpose of seeking investment, encouraging new members to join, measuring progress.
This question was brought up at the Community Leadership Summit in Portland.
How can one describe the "value" of a community? This might be for purpose of seeking investment, encouraging new members to join, measuring progress.
Value is subjective - what someone sees as valuable may not be to someone else sees. For the purposes of this question, here are metrics that will allow you to place value on a community.
(1) Traffic - how many people visit your community daily, weekly, monthly, etc.?
(2) Pageviews - how many pages are seen by people who visit your community?
(3) Members - how many registered users does your community have?
(4) Quality of Content - how does the content on your site match with the expectations of those who come to visit it? This can be measured by engagement metrics such as bounce rates (the rate at which people come to your site and leave without visiting any other pages occurs)
(5) Engagement - how many posts are being written daily, weekly, monthly, etc.? How are your social media outlets working out?
You will need to have access to analytics for exploring this on your site. Most software will have some sort of reporting tools for you to use. You will need to determine what "value" means to you, to a visitor, to a user, and to an advertiser. Once you have this in mind, you can explore what your site has to offer in terms of the value you've assigned.
To me it seems, Juan M s answer is mostly focused on quantitative criteria that are most appropriate to evaluate the value of middle or large sized communities, but that do not easily scale down to small specialized expert or professional communities. So here are some additional quality criteria:
(1) Uniqueness: Is your community the only one that provides exactly this service in this form (level of discussions, specialization,...)?
(2) Real-world acceptance: Is your community accepted and used by a significant part of professionals or experts of the "real-world"?
(3) X-factor: Does the community allow professionals and experts of the topic in the real-world to achieve things that would not be possible otherwise, as for example easily inspire new international collaborations among professionals and experts?
Just recently, Stack Exchange has stepped away a bit from the notion that only large enough communities (as meassured by site statistics such as they are meantioned in Juan M s answer) are valuable too, and now acknowledges that smaller specialized communities that measure activity rather in days per question than questions per day for example, can be useful too as long as they keep getting moderated and are free of spam.