I have taken over this community from someone else this year around January.
The community is a sports community with sports-related goal. The community has always wished to achieve bigger goals but couldn't achieve these with the last coach. From the moment on I was in charge, I have changed several aspects of the community: I enforced a strict rule set and strictly judged performance of each participant.
The methods have proven: We could climb up the ladder of success and achieved the goals which were in mind for nearly five years! Out of a performance view, the community jump started. The participants themselves and the parents behind them were happy but then Christmas happened - and I did nothing.
Due to the strict environment and the relation between the participants and me, I didn't think a Christmas celebration or any annual celebration was necessary or even appropriate. So I just wished everyone Merry Christmas via email.
Yesterday, I received an email from a mother (who dislikes me), apparently with the backup of other parents, why I haven't done a Christmas celebration. I investigated and it came to light that in the last four years there was such a celebration. I shamelessly broke this tradition.
Nonetheless, I still don't think it's appropriate to do one or even say sorry for not doing one. It just doesn't fit the relationship I have with my young participants. I have yet to reply.
What should I do?
Disclaimer: I don't fear that anyone will leave the community due to this dispute. I've been very strict and besides some minor uproars because of these strict and goal-pursuing methods nobody really complained. The participants like to come to the community (three to five times a week).