Our moderator team received a private message this week from a marketing agent that represented a company in our industry. They are interested in posting news about the company in our community.
We're excited that this company is interested in interacting on our forum, but on the other hand concerned about how our community would receive a marketer because our userbase is overwhelmingly comprised of technical users. The community has a lot of the baggage that semi-anonymous technical communities on the internet tend to carry -- hubris, arrogant power users, etc. The community would probably crucify some guy who came in just wanting to spam press releases from a single company, which would be bad for everyone involved. I can't imagine they would be very friendly with someone who wouldn't or couldn't answer questions, either.
We're all in agreement that it would benefit the community to encourage this marketer in participating in our community if they will really want to share news and start discussion, but we're not really sure specifically what to recommend without perhaps offending them or coming off like we don't see the value of this individual's efforts. What sort of content can we suggest that this marketer share, and how can we help them field the inevitable technical questions that may be out of this individual's area of expertise? Would it help if they kept a developer or engineer within the company nearby to help with those questions?