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7 votes
2 answers

How to encourage members to engage with the group?

My friends and I created a Facebook group for programmers and alike. Its aim is to have members asking questions and others answering them. As well as a source for programming related articles and ...
kapitanluffy's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Community rules as a barrier to entry

My question: When starting a community should it basically be a free for all and as use reaches or gets near critical mass then implement rules perhaps based on user input? Background: While setting ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Reducing sign-up as a barrier to entry

I've been running a community forum for a while now. I'm having trouble attracting members who actually contribute. How can I get people to take that plunge and sign up? I'm using phpBB and I'm ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Handling new users who don't read the rules

I moderate a community on a site that allows users to queue YouTube videos and songs while chatting. Our room has set rules on what videos users are able to play and videos breaking our rules are ...
Mateon1's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to make elitist users be nicer to beginners without "protecting" bad users? [duplicate]

After a "digital community" starts getting old, it gathers a group of old timers who were there from the beginning, and now feel they "own" the site. These old timers often get angry/frustrated with ...
GiantCowFilms's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

How can moderators prevent an 'in-crowd' forming?

As sites age and grow, it is inevitable that groups of older, more experienced users will tend to hang together and support each other. This is great, but it can go too far, to the extent that the ...
Tom Medley's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How should I deal with help vampires in a forum?

We have a forum where we have assembled a collection of users, many of whom are highly skilled, experienced, and friendly too. We have been lucky to attract these people. The dedicated purpose of this ...
rolfl's user avatar
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