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7 votes
2 answers

User making false claims easily proved wrong, ban or answer?

I am a member of a non-profit organization (bike advocacy group), and deal with community management with a small team of other members. We recently published a Facebook post that caught us a bit by ...
Loufylouf's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

In a community designed for peaceful discussion, should topics which cause hate and strife be disallowed?

I am the administrator and leader of an online community designed for peaceful discussion of Christianity and other faiths, and any relevant events or topics. The community is a single thread, a wall ...
Zenon's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

what to do with proven moderator preference on supposed open-to-all political forum

At a site for home-based workers in a particular field, there are several forums, and one option is a forum to discuss politics. However, there is a group of 5 to 6 like-minded users who form a ...
user693's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Should punishment be recursive?

I have seen it happen a few times: a user is contacted and suspended for rude or offensive behavior and they respond to the moderator message with even more rude or offensive language. Example: Mod ...
JohnB's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Moderator bans user in the course of an on-topic argument

Let's say Bob (User) and Jake (Moderator) are in a discussion. Things get heated, and Jake starts calling Bob names, and threatens to ban him. Bob is not doing anything he shouldn't be doing, but when ...
Dozer789's user avatar
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