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6 votes
2 answers

Should disability be a mitigating factor or aggravating factor for code of conduct violation consequences?

This question was suggested in an aside in the question Is it more difficult for autistic people to adhere to a code of conduct (in written communication)? . As the OP of the above question mentioned, ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How bad it is to enforce rules "just because", while refusing to even substantiate them?

A relatively popular site, likely to defer trolls (which are likely to flock to this site because of its thematics), enforces a rule that one must be registered there for a week minimum to be able to ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What are the advantages and disadvantages of "no unbans" policy combined with trigger-happy admins, if any?

I have noticed that while most communities that I have seen allow you to appeal your ban sooner or later and are not that quick on banning people, there are some that do not allow any unban appeals ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

What Is The Point of Temporary Bans

I never understood the use case where it would be preferable to "temporarily ban" a user for a stated period of time. If they've done something bad enough to warrant a ban, I'd think they wouldn't ...
GWR's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to appeal to a higher power?

I've been reprimanded on my home site. I believe the action is unjustified and believe I have a valid argument for such an appeal. The moderator that reprimanded me does not believe my arguments and ...
NewKid's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

I made an official statement in good faith that turned out to be wrong; should I apologize?

I have an official role moderating an online community that is open to the public. I exercise my best judgment in interpreting the rules, but: I don't make the rules, I only enforce them. I am only ...
Air's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

User complains that their freedom of speech is violated

I recently deleted a post of a user because I considered it off-topic and driving a discussion into an unconstructive direction. When the user reposted the same post a few minutes later, I deleted it ...
Philipp's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What to do when I as a moderator feel abused by a member?

Usually when a user complains about getting insulted by another user, a moderator reviews the claim, and when they feel that the complaint is warranted, they punish the insulting user as appropriate. ...
Philipp's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How should one handle a foreign user with a desire to be constructive, but a severe inability to communicate?

I moderate a gameserver that revolves around a community-built virtual world, in the style of games such as Minecraft (but a FOSS clone). We have a fairly basic common-sense ruleset regarding ...
nanofarad's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Judging the effectiveness of disciplinary actions, moderation principles and rules

Is there a magic ratio of Player Loss to New Players (or Active Players) that I should be looking for in a MMO Browser Game? How else could I gauge the effectiveness of Moderation Principles, ...
Malachi's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Are implicit rules bad at all, or should the rules be explicit?

The short question is: What factors do you take into account when you decide on rules for a community? I live in a puzzling community for 5 years. It has an entry test. It is simple enough, but it ...
klm123's user avatar
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